rUSD Stable Coin

rUSD is the algorithmic stable coin within Embedr Protocol. It is designed to maintain a stable value of 1 USD, making it a reliable digital currency.

rUSD is collateralized by SUI, ensuring the stability of its value. With its low interest rates and innovative Stability Pool mechanism and revenue sharing possibilities in Embedr Finance, rUSD provides users with a secure and efficient way to borrow against their collateralized assets or earn interest by lending their rUSD.

Lifecycle of rUSD

rUSD is used in various places in Embedr Protocol.

Stable Coin Factory

This is the main place of issuance and termination of rUSD.

It is algorithmically minted and burned with each operation such as:

  • Opening a Kasa

  • Liquidations

  • Redemption

  • and more..

For more info on how this cycle works, take look at the Stable Coin Factory.

Stability Pool

Borrowed rUSD can be staked in Stability Pool for earning liquidation rewards and EMBD tokens.

It's good to keep in mind that the staked rUSD can be used to pay off debt of the liquidated Kasas in the protocol meaning the staked amount can be lost.

For more info on the staking and liquidations, take look at Stability Pool and Liquidations.

Revenue Farming Pools

Liquidity Providers can commit and lock their rUSD in Revenue Farming Pools to participate and earn yields from real world businesses.

For more info on earning yields and revenue farming, take a look at Revenue Farming Pools.

Fee Structure

There are several places the protocol takes some fees to operate.

These include:

  • Opening a Kasa - 0.5% of the borrowed rUSD

  • Borrowing rUSD - 0.5% of the borrowed rUSD

  • Depositing rUSD to a Revenue Sharing Pool - 0.5% of the committed rUSD

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